CAMC Overview
The Canadian Army Medical Corps (C.A.M.C.) was founded in 1904 after Canada’s involvement in the Boer War (McCullogh 1497). It mobilized with the First Contingent of Canadians that left Gaspé Bay, Quebec for Plymouth in October, 1914 (Macphail 26). The C.A.M.C served with distinction in England, France, Belgium and Greece, and its members received many awards and distinctions for their valour and service (Macphail 345).
Hospitals (Overview)
Nursing Sisters (overview)
Nursing Sister Awards and Decorations
Works Cited:
B: McCullogh, Ian. “Crucible of Fire: The Boer War and the Birth of the Canadian Army Medical Corps.” Canadian Medical Association Journal 153, no.10 (November 1995): 1494-1497.
N: Ian McCullogh, “Crucible of Fire: The Boer War and the Birth of the Canadian Army Medical Corps,” Canadian Medical Association Journal 153, no.10 (November 1995):
SN: McCullogh, “Crucible of Fire,”
B: Macphail, Andrew. Official History of the Canadian Forces in the Great War 1914-19: The Medical Services. Ottawa: King’s Printer, 1925.
N: Andrew Macphail, Official History of the Canadian Forces in the Great War 1914-19: The Medical Services (Ottawa: King’s Printer, 1925),
SN: Macphail, Official History of the Canadian Forces in the Great War 1914-19,