Private Ethelbert ’Curley’ Christian
- Private (Army). 1917-07-04 to 1918-09-03
- Private, 78th Battalion, Infantry (Army). 1916-12-29 to 1917-07-04
- Private (Army). 1915-11-22 to 1916-12-28
Son of Daniel Christian and Emma Christian (nee Neibors); husband of Cleopatra Ann 'Cleo' Christian (nee MacPherson) married December 11, 1920. Cleo was a volunteer aid in Toronto who cared for Curley when he was invalided home
For the 95th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, The Legacy Voices project contacted CBC to do a piece on Curley which was broadcast on The National. Information provided from The Thamis Gayle Collection, Blacks and West Indians in the C.E.F. Not part of No 2 Construction Battalion
Original Unit: 108th Battalion
Final Unit: 78th Battalion
Wounded at Vimy, Canada's first surviving quadruple amputee. Lost both legs 5" below the knees, left arm 6" below the elbow and right arm 4" below the elbow
108th Battalion Nominal Roll
The Legacy Voices Project
[Private Army Canadian Infantry 78th BattalionWounded at Vimy - quadruple amputee
Private Army Canadian Infantry 108th Battalion Private Army Canadian Army Medical Corps No. 16 Ontario Military Hospital, Orpington Discharged Medically Unfit ]