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Lieutenant-Colonel George Thomas Carty

Individual attestation record images are not available for this person.



Place of birth: Newfoundland
Marital status: no data
Address: St. John’s, Newfoundland
Cause of death: Not specified


Regimental number: NA
Highest Rank: Lieutenant-Colonel
Rank detail

Lieutenant-Colonel (British Army).

Survived war: yes

Mentioned in Despatches 'A' List


George T. Carty


Uploader's Notes:

Honourable Mention to Secretary of State for War
A War Communique dated August 28th, 1919 states that the name for the above mentioned has been brought to the attention of the Secretary of State for War for valuable services rendered in connection with the War, and an entry will be made in the record of service of the officer concerned.

Granted Commission, Captain, Sept. 21, 1914; British Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, Aug. 20, 1915; Evacuated Suvla, sick, Dec. 4, 1915; Admitted to hospital, Malta, Dec. 8, 1915; Invalided to England, April 16, 1916; Embarked for Newfoundland, June 9, 1916; Appointed Transport Officer, July 8, 1916; Major, Oct. 1, 1916; Appointed Officer commanding Depot, St. John's, Oct. 29, 1917; Relinquished Command, July 22, 1918; Lieutenant-Colonel, Jan. 1, 1919; Appointed Staff Officer, Acting D. 0. C., Jan. 28, 1919; Relinquished appointment as Acting D.0.C., Sept. 9, 1919; Retired, Sept. 9, 1919.

Uploader's Research notes: [Lieutenant Colonel Army Newfoundland Infantry Royal Newfoundland Regiment Mentioned in Despatches ]


Date added: 2012-02-16
Last modified: 2012-08-05