Sapper James William Buckland
James William
Date of birth: 1900-01-28
Place of birth: Leitrim Ontario(Gloucester Township) Canada
Next of kin: Mrs. Obadiah H. Buckland 159 Hopewell Ave Ottawa, Ontario
Marital status: single
Occupation (attested): Machinst ( Motor Mechanic)
Occupation (normalized): Metalworking Machine Setter-Operator, General, Motor-Vehicle Mechanics, Specialisation Unknown
159 Hopewell Ave Ottawa, Ontario
Religion: Church of England
Date of death:
Regimental number: 1282093
Highest Rank:
Rank detail
Sapper (Army). 1918-11-23 to 1919-01-10
Degree of service: Siberia
Survived war: yes
Service file: B1238-S025
Uploader's Notes: Sapper James William Buckland enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force in Ottawa on 28 December 1928 and served in Canada during WW2 until Honourably discharged on 30 September 1947 in Ottawa.Retired RCAF W02( and temporay W01 since October 1941) James W. Buckland enlisted with the 59th LA Artillery Regiment in Carleton Place , Ontario on 29 May 1951 and served as a Continuous Duty Sargeant until Honourably released on February 29 1960. James William Buckland next joined the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires and served as a Commissionaire until he had an accident at home at what is now 347 ( then 351) Moffatt street, Carleton Place in 1964. James William Buckland died in Carleton Place Memorial hospital on 1 June 1964 from pneumonia and other complications from his fall from a ladder.James W. Buckland was buried in the St. Georges Anglican Cemetery at Hawthorne ( off Hyway 31 or Bank Street) in South Ottawa (off the Hunt Club Road) in June of 1964 where he joined his other Buckland relatives.
Uploader's Research notes: James William Buckland's Next of Kin was his mother Annie ( Granny) Fletcher Buckland ( 3 Aug 1878- 15 Dec 1971). His father was Obadiah Herbert Buckland (21 Dec 1871-1 May 1945).This Buckland family bought their house at 159 Hopewell street 1906- 1907. Pte. James William Buckland had served in the Canadian Army Service Corps since May 1, 1917 as a Motor Transport Driver/Mechanic when he enlisted with the Signal Training Depot 23 November of 1918 to join the Siberian Expeditionery Force with the 6th Signal Company of the Royal Canadian Engineers(RCE) as a Driver/Mechanic.Sapper Buckland returned to Canada on 10 June 1919 and was discharged in Ottawa on 6 July 1919.Sapper J.W. Buckland served again with the Royal Canadian Engineers with their Militia Survey Division as a Driver from 1920 to 1927. [Sapper Army Canadian Engineers 6th Divisional Signals Company ]
Date added: 2012-10-23
Last modified: 2017-08-01