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Private William Henry James Youlton



Date of birth: 1883-05-03
Place of birth: Cornwall England
Next of kin: Grace Youlton, mother. 30 Boston Street, Truro, Cornwall, England
Marital status: single
Occupation (attested): Barber
Occupation (normalized): Barber Hairdresser
Religion: Church of England
Date of death: 1918-09-12
Cause of death: Died of wounds


Regimental number: 211013
Highest Rank: Private (58th Battalion)
Rank detail
  1. Private, 58th Battalion, Infantry (Army). 1917-09-13 to 1918-09-12
  2. Private (Army). 1917-03-13 to 1917-09-13
  3. Private (Army). 1917-03-10 to 1917-03-13
  4. Private (Army). 1916-10-14 to 1917-03-10
  5. Private, 58th Battalion, Infantry (Army). 1916-09-07 to 1916-10-14
  6. Private (Army). 1915-11-16 to 1916-09-07
  7. Private (Army). ? to 1915-11-10
Degree of service: Europe
Survived war: no
Battle wounded/killed: Wounded September 12, 1918

Good Conduct Badge
Date of award: 1917-12-01


CVWM ID: No CVWM ID in our database, but try this.
CWGC ID: 996979
LAC ID: 330693
Attestation record(s): image 1, image 2
Service file: B10642-S013
Uploader's Notes:

Son of Grace Youlton

Prior service - 9 months 19th Regiment

Uploader's Research notes: 98th Battalion Nominal Roll [Private Army Canadian Militia Welland Canal Force 19th Lincoln Regiment Private Army Canadian Infantry 98th Battalion Private Army Canadian Infantry 58th Battalion A Company Private Army Canadian Infantry Canadian Casualty Assembly Centre Private Army Canadian Infantry 2nd Central Ontario Regimental Depot Private Army Canadian Infantry 8th Reserve Battalion Private Army Canadian Infantry 58th Battalion A Company Good Conduct Badge ]


Date added: 2004-09-04
Last modified: 2021-10-15