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Private Thomas Vanson Dufour



Date of birth: 1893-12-06
Place of birth: Hamilton Ontario Canada
Next of kin: Charlotte Dufour, mother. 64 Chatham Street, Hamilton, Ontario
Marital status: single
Occupation (attested): Wire Drawer
Occupation (normalized): Other Metal Drawers and Extruders
Religion: Church of England
Date of death: 1916-10-01
Cause of death: Killed in action
Buried: Vimy Memorial, N/A


Regimental number: 451827
Highest Rank: Private (20th Battalion)
Rank detail
  1. Private, 20th Battalion, Infantry (Army).
  2. Private (Army).
  3. Private, 58th Battalion, Infantry (Army).
Degree of service: Europe
Survived war: no
Battle wounded/killed: Wounded May 12, 1916, Wounded August 23, 1916, KIA at Le Sars


CVWM ID: No CVWM ID in our database, but try this.
CWGC ID: 1567398
LAC ID: 365545
Attestation record(s): image 1, image 2
Service file: B2709-S009
Uploader's Notes: Son of Alfred Henry Dufour and Charlotte Jane Dufour (nee Vivian) of 64 Chatham Street, Hamilton, Ontario; younger brother of Alfred John Dufour (Service No. 757297)
Uploader's Research notes: 58th Battalion 1st Reinforcing Draft Nominal Roll [Private Army Canadian Infantry 58th Battalion Private Army Canadian Infantry 12th Reserve Battalion Private Army Canadian Infantry 20th Battalion ]


Date added: 2004-09-04
Last modified: 2021-08-16