Captain Gordon Burleigh Carling
- Captain (Army).
- Private, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, Infantry (Army).
Son of Fred W. and Eva C. Carling, of 354, Sparks St., Ottawa, Ont.; husband of Annie C. Carling, of New Westminster, British Columbia.
Previous experience: 8 years in the Canadian Militia.
Wounded, returned to Canada. Interviewed in Banff, Alberta - see attached newspaper report.
Attestation marked for PPCLI. Joined the P.P.C.L.I. in September 1914 [an Original]. Gassed June 1915. Struck off strength June 15, 1915. Invalided owing to sickness or wounds
Canadian headstones.com/familytrees
First of five children born to Frederick William Carling and Eva Caroline Pattee, named for his maternal grandfather. His paternal great grandfather founded the Carling Brewery in London, Ontario, about 1840.
Find-A-Grave Capt Gordon Burleigh Carling
Brother Lt John Burleigh Carling RAF , Died 8th May 1918. Find-A-Grave
[Private Army Canadian Infantry Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Captain Army Canadian Army Service Corps Canadian Army Service Corps ]