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Lieutenant John Labatt Scatcherd



Date of birth: 1895-10-19
Place of birth: Batavia New York U.S.A.
Next of kin: Katharine Scatcherd, Mother, 572 Queens Av., London, Ontario
Marital status: single
Occupation (attested): Civil Servant
Address: 572 Queens Av., London, Ontario
Religion: Church of England
Date of death: 1918-09-03
Cause of death: Died of wounds


Regimental number: NA
Highest Rank: Lieutenant
Rank detail

Lieutenant (Army).

Degree of service: Europe
Survived war: no

Military Cross
Description: For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He went forward with the advancing infantry in charge of a brigade patrol, keeping in constant touch with the situation, and sending in information which enabled accurate and effective gun-fire to be brought to bear by the batteries. Though constantly under fire, he was always at hand to clear up a doubtful situation.
Date of award: 1918-12-02
Source: London Gazette Canadian Gazette 18 Jan. 1919 P17SUP

Military Cross First Bar (Canal du Nord)
Description: During the operations on the Arras front, including the capture of the Drocourt-Queant line, he acted as a Reconnaissance Office in close touch with the infantry from 31st September to 4th October, 1918. He established a series of observation posts, and maintained communications with his battery. This work was done in spite of constant enemy machine gun and shell fire. By his courage and untiring efforts the battery was able to bring effective fire to many targets.
Date of award: 1919-02-01
Date of award: 1918-10-01
Source: London Gazette Canadian Gazette 3 May 1919 P34SUP


CVWM ID: No CVWM ID in our database, but try this.
CWGC ID: 250630
LAC ID: 216116
Attestation record(s): image 1, image 2
Service file: B8686-S047
Uploader's Notes:

Listed previous military experience as 6th Battery CFA

Religion listed as Anglican

Uploader's Research notes: [Lieutenant Army Canadian Artillery 3rd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery Military Cross First Bar Canal du Nord During the operations on the Arras front, including the capture of the Drocourt-Queant line, he acted as a Reconnaissance Office in close touch with the infantry from 31st September to 4th October, 1918. He established a series of observation posts, and maintained communications with his battery. This work was done in spite of constant enemy machine gun and shell fire. By his courage and untiring efforts the battery was able to bring effective fire to many targets. Military Cross For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He went forward with the advancing infantry in charge of a brigade patrol, keeping in constant touch with the situation, and sending in information which enabled accurate and effective gun-fire to be brought to bear by the batteries. Though constantly under fire, he was always at hand to clear up a doubtful situation. ]


Date added: 2004-09-04
Last modified: 2013-07-20