Rank unknown Caleb Henry Buckland
- Captain (Army).
- Rank unknown (Army).
- Rank unknown (Army). 1915-10-01 to 1919-01-04
Reverend the Honourary Captain Caleb Henry Buckland's wife was Ellen Mary (McTear) Buckland who he married in Toronto on 11 April 1894. Chaplain Buckland saw Miltary Service in the CEF Canadian Chaplain Service from 1915 and was in France and Belgium from 8 August 1916 until 4 January 1919 and was awarded the British War Medal and the Victory Medal. His sons Pte Alfred Henry and Pte Ernest Harvey Buckland also enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force.Reverend C.H. Buckland of the Anglican Church returned home from WW1 to Guelph in 1919 to enter Provincial Politics as its newly elected Conservative M.P.P. on October 20, 1919 to May 10, 1923 in the Riding of Wellington South. Rev C.H. Buckland was interred 3 March 1937 in the St. John's cemetery Norway, 256 Kingston Road, Toronto, Ontario.
[Captain Army Canadian Field Artillery 29th Battery Honourary Captain Army Canadian Field Artillery 29th Battery Honourary Captain Army Canadian Field Artillery 11th Howitzer Battery Headquarters Do not know when Reverend Buckland transtered to the Headquarters of the 11th Howitzer Battery from the 29th Overseas Battery of Field Artillery from Guelph,Ontario. ]