Rank unknown Charles William Gordon
- Rank unknown, 3rd Battalion, Infantry (Army).
- Rank unknown, 58th Battalion, Infantry (Army).
- Rank unknown (Army). 1917-09-01 to 1919-04-15
- Rank unknown (Army). 1916-11-23 to 1917-05-09
- Rank unknown (Army). 1916-02-02 to 1916-11-23
- Rank unknown (Army). 1915-11-12 to 1916-02-02
- Rank unknown, 43rd Battalion, Infantry (Army). 1914-12-18 to 1915-11-12
Colonial Auxillary Forces Officer Decoration
Source: http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/databases/medals/001099-119.02-e.php?person_id_nbr=34205&page_sequence_nbr=1&interval=20&PHPSESSID=tf2hcoa4urrfa1vbemh9ueca03
Charles William Gordon was also known by his pen name, Ralph Connor. He was one of the most popular authors of his time.
Son of Reverend Daniel Gordon and Mary Robertson Gordon; brother of Lt.-Col. Henry Fleet Gordon (who predeceased Charles by 24 hours); husband of Helen Skinner Gordon (nee King)
Discharged due to demobilization at London, England on April 15, 1919.
Also see:
The Wikipedia site says that he was mentioned in despatches, but no entry was found in the London Gazette to support this. See also 43rd Battalion War Diary for 1916: February 27, June 11, August 06 & 27, September 03, 07, 10 & 24, October 01 & 29. Mentioned in Victor Wheeler's book "No Man's Land" at pg 179.
Death card found here
[Honorary Captain Army Canadian Chaplain Service 43rd Battalion Headquarters Company Served pre-war as the Chaplain of the 79th Cameron Highlanders of Canada. Was attached to the 43rd Battalion on enlistment. Sailed to England with the 43rd Battalion aboard SS Grampian from Montreal to Devonport, June 01/09, 1915. The battalion was based at St Martin's Plain, Shorncliffe. Honorary Captain Army Canadian Chaplain Service 58th Battalion He is shown in the 58th Battalion War Diary in 1916 as the Battalion Chaplain attached. Honorary Major Army Canadian Chaplain Service 11th Reserve Battalion Headquarters Company Appointed Senior Chaplain to the Canadian Corps in England and promoted to Honorary Major. Honorary Major Army Canadian Chaplain Service Canadian Corps Headquarters London He returned to England (possibly by mid-July 1917) and was assigned to special duties based out of London. Based on contemporary writing, he spent some time in France. Returned to Canada aboard the SS Cedric from Liverpool to Halifax, July 11-18, 1919. Honorary Captain Army Canadian Chaplain Service 3rd Battalion Attached He is shown in the 3rd Battalion War Diary in 1915 and 1916 as the Battalion Chaplain attached (see 3rd Battn War Diary from Aug 15, 1915 http://data2.collectionscanada.ca/e/e044/e001076265.jpg). Honorary Major Army Canadian Chaplain Service Canadian Corps Headquarters Shorncliffe Granted Special Leave with pay and attached to the British Mission at New York City. Sailed from England aboard the SS Metagama on December 15. This Special Leave was for a speaking tour promoting the British war effort. He also wrote his book "The Major" during this time. He was struck off strength of the Overseas Military Forces of Canada in Europe on May 09 due to being retained in Canada for more than four months. From July 30 to August 31 he was on strength of Militia Headquarters, Ottawa, while on Special Leave without pay. Honorary Major Army Canadian Chaplain Service 9th Infantry Brigade 43rd Battalion Posted to the 9th Infantry Brigade and attached to the 43rd Battalion. Sailed to France with the 43rd Battalion on February 20. Conducted the battalion's first church parade at the front on February 27 at Eelke, Belgium. Colonial Auxillary Forces Officer Decoration ]