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Private Charles Mansfield Ewing



Date of birth: 1885-06-06
Place of birth: Broughty Ferry Forfarshire Scotland
Next of kin: Mother; Caroline Ewing,82 Thirlestane Road, Edinburgh, Scotland. After January 22, 1916, Wife; Isabel MacDonald Ewing, 146 Allan Gardens Apartments, 121 Carleton Street, Toronto, Ontario
Marital status: single
Occupation (attested): Teacher
Occupation (normalized): Teacher, Level and Subject Unknown
Address: 146 Allan Gardens Apartments, 121 Carleton Street, Toronto, Ontario
Religion: Presbyterian


Regimental number: 171564
Highest Rank: Private (75th Battalion)
Rank detail
  1. Private (Army). 1919-02-06 to 1919-03-13
  2. Private (Army). 1918-10-22 to 1919-02-06
  3. Private, 75th Battalion, Infantry (Army). 1918-03-16 to 1918-10-22
  4. Warrant Officer II (Army). 1916-07-07 to 1918-03-16
  5. Warrant Officer II (Army). 1915-07-01 to 1916-07-07
Degree of service: Europe
Survived war: yes


LAC ID: 380865
Attestation record(s): image 1, image 2
Service file: B2965-S004
Uploader's Notes: Discharged due to demobilization on March 26, 1919 at Toronto, Ontario.
Uploader's Research notes: Source: LAC files
[Private Army Canadian Infantry 3rd Reserve Battalion February 22, 1919 attached to Canadian Corps Camp Kinmell Park pending return to Canada. Sailed for Canada aboard SS Cretic from Liverpool to Halifax, March 13-22, 1919.
Private Army Canadian Infantry 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Central Ontario Regiment

Evacuated to England aboard HS Stad Antwerpen. Admitted to Northamptonshire War Hospital, Dustan on arrival. Transferred to Woodcote Park Convalescent Hospital, Epsom on January 07, 1919.

Discharged on January 22, 1919 and attached to the 12th Reserve Battalion, Witley.

Company Quartermaster Sergeant Army Canadian Infantry 83rd Battalion D Company Sailed with 83rd Battalion aboard SS Olympic from Halifax to Liverpool, April 28 to May 07, 1916. The battalion was posted to West Sandling Camp on arrival. The following day he was appointed Acting Company Quartermaster Sergeant. Company Quartermaster Sergeant Army Canadian Infantry 12th Reserve Battalion A Company

Confirmed in rank of CQMS on August 18, 1916.

Appointed CQMS, A Company on January 11, 1917.

Private Army Canadian Infantry 75th Battalion

Voluntarily reverted to Private & proceeded to France on being posted. Joined the 75th Battalion at Souchez on April 02.

Injured his left leg on October 01 and reported sick to the 16th Casualty Clearing Station. The following day he was transferred to the 18th General Hospital at Camiers.



Date added: 2013-12-16
Last modified: 2013-12-16