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Quarter-Master Sergeant George Robert Ainsworth-Ball



Date of birth: 1885-05-09
Place of birth: Cambridge Cambridgeshire England
Next of kin: Alice Jessie Ainsworth-Ball, wife. 31 Albany Road, New Malden, Surrey, England
Marital status: married
Occupation (attested): Accountant
Occupation (normalized): Accountant, General
Address: Box 891 Victoria, British Columbia
Religion: Church of England
Date of death: 1919-11-22
Cause of death: Died of illness
Buried: Victoria (Ross Bay) Cemetery, W 010 E 44


Regimental number: 504671
Rank detail
  1. Sergeant (Army).
  2. Sergeant (Army).
  3. Sergeant (Army).
  4. Quarter-Master Sergeant (Army).
  5. Sergeant (Army).
Degree of service: Great Britain
Survived war: no


CVWM ID: 420964
CWGC ID: 420964
LAC ID: 2986
Attestation record(s): image 1, image 2
Service file: B0057-S026
Uploader's Notes:

Discharged December 21, 1918 Medically Unfit

Died of tuberculosis

Uploader's Research notes:

[Sergeant Army Canadian Army Pay Corps No. 14 Detachment Sergeant Army Canadian Forestry Corps Canadian Forestry Corps Headquarters Sergeant Army Canadian Engineers 12th Field Company Sergeant Army Canadian Engineers 13th Field Company Staff Quartermaster Sergeant Army Canadian Forestry Corps Canadian Forestry Corps Headquarters ]


Date added: 2014-05-21
Last modified: 2023-03-27