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Captain Percival Molson



Date of birth: 1880-08-14
Place of birth: Cacouna Quebec Canada
Next of kin: Mrs.Jennie B.Molson 556 Pine Ave., Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Marital status: single
Occupation (attested): Manager National Trust Co.,Montreal
Occupation (normalized): Other Managers
Address: not listed on attestation sheet.
Religion: Church of England
Date of death: 1917-07-05
Cause of death: Killed in action
Buried: Villers Station Cemetery, VIII. E. I.


Regimental number: NA
Rank detail

Captain, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, Infantry (Army).

Degree of service: Europe
Survived war: no
Battle wounded/killed: Avion

Military Cross


Grave of Capt. P. Molson ,MC,PPCLI


CVWM ID: No CVWM ID in our database, but try this.
CWGC ID: 60085
LAC ID: 183544
Attestation record(s): image 1, image 2
Service file: B6285-S034
Uploader's Notes: Original overseas unit 2nd University Company. Joined the P.P.C.L.I. in the field October 17, 1915 as a Lieutenant. Promoted to Captain. Wounded June 2, 1916. Son of John Thomas Molson and Jennie B. Molson, of Montreal.
Uploader's Research notes: Outstanding athlete,student at McGill;one of the Molson clan whose family enterprises consisted of Banking and Brewing. Captain Molson was killed instantly by a shell that landed near where he was walking with a fellow officer,Lt.Donald McLean.(see Ghosts Have Warm Hands,by Will Bird,p.37. [Captain Army Canadian Infantry Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Military Cross ]


Date added: 2004-09-04
Last modified: 2008-09-19