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Lieutenant Benjamin Bell Gray



Date of birth: 1887-07-30
Place of birth: Elgin Scotland
Next of kin: F.H.T. Gray, father. c/o London Daily Telegraph, Paris, France
Marital status: single
Occupation (attested): Civil Service
Address: c/o London Daily Telegraph, Paris, France
Religion: Presbyterian
Date of death: 1917-04-10
Cause of death: Killed in action
Buried: Vimy Memorial, N/A


Regimental number: 73782
Highest Rank: Lieutenant (29th Battalion)
Rank detail
  1. Lieutenant, 29th Battalion, Infantry (Army). 1916-11-22 to 1917-04-10
  2. Lieutenant (Army). 1916-10-06 to 1916-11-22
  3. Private (Army). 1916-03-04 to 1916-10-06
  4. Private, 28th Battalion, Infantry (Army). 1914-10-23 to 1916-03-04
Degree of service: Europe
Survived war: no
Battle wounded/killed: Wounded Sept 24, 1916, KIA Vimy
Commemoration location: Vimy Memorial


CVWM ID: No CVWM ID in our database, but try this.
CWGC ID: 1568570
LAC ID: 427241
Attestation record(s): image 1, image 2, image 3
Service file: B3749A-S049
Uploader's Notes:

Son of Reverend William Alexander Gray and Dora Cecilia Gray (nee Bell).

Commissioned August 5, 1916 in 3rd Battalion (see Officer's declaration)

Uploader's Research notes:

Saskatchewan Virtual War Memorial

28th Battalion Nominal Roll [Private Army Canadian Infantry 32nd Reserve Battalion Lieutenant Army Canadian Infantry 32nd Reserve Battalion Lieutenant Army Canadian Infantry 3rd Battalion Private Army Canadian Infantry 28th Battalion B Company Lieutenant Army Canadian Infantry 29th Battalion ]


Date added: 2004-09-04
Last modified: 2017-02-02