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Major John Archibald Trebilcock

Individual attestation record images are not available for this person.



Date of birth: 1893-05-02
Place of birth: Toronto Ontario Canada
Marital status: no data
Address: 24 Lyall Ave. Toronto
Date of death: 1918-05-21
Cause of death: Died of wounds
Buried: Bac-Du-Sud British Cemetery, II D. 17.


Regimental number: NA
Highest Rank: Major
Rank detail
  1. Major (British Army).
  2. Private (Army).
Degree of service: Europe
Survived war: no
Battle wounded/killed: Wounded when ammunition in one of his gun pits caught fire during enemy shelling and exploded while he was trying to help his men. Died at casualty clearing station.

Military Cross (Passchendaele)
Description: Lt. (A/Capt.) John Archibald Trebilcock, R.F.A. Spec. Res. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When an 8-inch shell burst and buried six men he organised a rescue party, and eventually succeeded in rescuing them under heavy fire. He has been previously recommended for a reward (sic).
Date of award: 1918-03-07
Date of award: 1917-09-01
Source: London Gazette, p2397


CVWM ID: No CVWM ID in our database, but try this.
CWGC ID: 19116
Uploader's Notes: Son of Joseph and Esther R. Trebilcock, of Toronto, Ontario.
Uploader's Research notes: [Not Specified Army Canadian Field Artillery Major Army Royal Field Artillery 76th Brigade Military Cross Passchendaele Lt. (A/Capt.) John Archibald Trebilcock, R.F.A. Spec. Res. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When an 8-inch shell burst and buried six men he organised a rescue party, and eventually succeeded in rescuing them under heavy fire. He has been previously recommended for a reward (sic). ]


Date added: 2004-09-04
Last modified: 2011-02-10