Lieutenant-General Arthur William, Sir Currie
- Lieutenant-Colonel, 2nd Infantry Brigade, Infantry (Army). 1914-09-26 ?
- Lieutenant-General (Army). 1917-06-09 to 1919-08-08
Born near Strathroy, Ontario. Grandfather's name was John Corrigan who emigrated to Canada in 1838. Became Methodists on arrival and changed name to Curry. Arthur Currie modified the spelling of last name in 1897. Married in August 1901 to Lucy Musters, daughter of an English Army Officer. He was a Freemason and Liberal.
Web site on Currie at http://currieproject.ca
Sir Arthur Currie was the first Canadian commander of Canada's overseas forces in World War I. While Currie did not look the part of a professional soldier, he is generally thought by historians to be the best military commander that Canada has produced. Currie was given command of a battalion in the first Canadian contingent overseas in October 1914, despite his then limited experience. He advanced steadily, winning distinction at the battles of Ypres and Saint-Julien in Belgium and at the battle of Vimy Ridge in France. Within three years (in 1917) he became Lieutenant General and commander of the four divisions of the Canadian Corps, succeeding British General Sir Julian Byng. He lead the Canadian troops at Hill 70 and Passchendaele, as well as other major battles. Currie was knighted in 1918. After the war he served as inspector general of the Canadian militia and became the first full General in the Canadian Army. In 1920 he accepted the position of principal and vice chancellor of McGill University, Montreal, and retained that post until his death on 30 November 1933.
[Lieutenant-Colonel Army Canadian Infantry 2nd Infantry Brigade Staff Lieutenant-General Army Canadian Infantry Canadian Corps Headquarters ]