Lieutenant Jessie Nelson King
Lieutenant (Army).
Former student of Victoria High School, Victoria, B.C. Daughter of Alfred Nelson Codrington King & Clara Amy [Gardiner] King. Sister of Lieutenant Nelson King.
Victoria Daily Colonist, Victoria, B.C.
VL/Died April 4, 1919 at Wimereaux, France, Nursing Sr Jessie Nelson King, Medical Service, aged 27, n/o Moodyville, BC, eldest d/o late Alfred Nelson Codrington King, granddaughter of late Capt J N King, RN.
Apr 13, 7 - letters from France and England received during the past week by her mother and sister show that through her fatal illness, Nurse King received every attention, and that she had the comfort of knowing that dear friends were near. Her own last letter, written February 22, describes her visit to the grave of her brother, Lieut Nelson King, and tells her sister that she will leave in a few days for England, and hopes soon to be home. Before the comforting, hopeful letter reached Victoria the news of her illness had saddened the hearts of her many relatives and friends.
Before leave France a part of nurses planned a visit to the battlefields near which they had laboured. She was one of those who took what must have been a hard and exhausting journey, and on her return to the hospital at the beginning of March was stricken with meningitis. She, as well as nurses and doctors, fought hard during the ensuing five weeks for a life that had been very useful, but on April 4 the brave and devoted nurse passed away.
She came to Victoria aged 8, educated at South Park and Girls’ Central schools and studied in Montreal with her brother, afterwards Rhodes Scholar and Lieut Nelson King.
After her return to Victoria she entered the Jubilee Hospital, and on December 6, 1916, joined the service of her country as nurse. Her 1st work was at Work Point, leaving for overseas May, 1917. The transport was attacked by a submarine but made port with all passengers safe. After serving some months in England Nursing sister King was sent to France in November, joining No 1 Canadian Hospital and suffering in the air raid of 1918 in which Nurse Wake, of Victoria, and many others were killed.
Not only by her sister nurses here overseas, but by all who knew her, Jessie King was loved and her untimely death is mourned.
Survivors of the family, 2 of whose members sleep in France and Belgium, are mother, Mrs C A King, brother Cecil N and sister Sybil, teacher at Boys’ School. Photo, April 27, 5.