Lieutenant Raymond Hart Massey
Lieutenant (Army).
Wounded and shell shocked in 1916. returned to Canada for recovery
Raymond Hart Masey became a Canadian Army Officer after COTC training at College An 8 week Artilley Course in Kingston Onario made him an Artillery Officer Raymond Massey as wounded in the Zillebeke engagement (Mount Sorrel) in 1916 and returned to Canada and United States for recovery before serveing in Siberia in 1918 where was put in charge of entertainment at Vladivostok and became a stage Actor. Raymond returned to Canada after WW1 and his Family Farm Toronto Manufacturing business for a few years.
Raymond Hart Massey joined the Canadian Army as a Field Artillery Officer during WW2 and Major Massey was invalided from the Canadian Army in 1943 and became an American citizen in 1944.
Raymond Massey became a well known Television and movie actor in the 1950s and 1960s before dieing in Los Angeles of Pneumonia at age 86 on 29 July 1983. Raymond Hart Massey is buried in the Beaverdale Memorial Park in New Haven Connecticut USA.
Actor Raymond Massey and his younger brother C. Vincent Massey( Future Govenor General) were both born in Toronto and raised as Methodists. Their parents were Anna Vincent and Chester Daniel Massey who owned the Massey Harris farm equipment company. Both joined the Canadian Expeditionary Force after COTC at College in Toronto and became Officers and survived WW1. Raymond was wounded in France in 1916 and recovered as an Instructor of American Army Officers at Yale University. Raymond served again as a Canadian Artillery Officer in WW2 was wounded in 1943 and became an American Citizen in 1944. His brother Charles Vincent Massey served in WW2 in England since 1936 as Canadian Ambassador and from 1943 to 1945 as a Trustee of the British Tate and National Gallery in London England. [Lieutenant Army Canadian Field Artillery 4th Brigade 9th Battery ]