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Private James Davison



Name: Davison, James
Date of birth: 1887-06-03
Place of birth: Moneymore County Derry Ireland
Next of kin: Andrew Davison(father), Chilliwack, B.C., Canada
Marital status: single
Occupation (attested): Travelling Salesman
Occupation (normalized): Demonstrator
Address: 1609 10th Avenue, W. Galgary, Canada
Date of death: 1917-10-31
Cause of death: Died of wounds


Regimental number: 487453
Rank detail
  1. Private, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, Infantry (Army).
  2. Private (Army).
  3. Private (Army).
Degree of service: Europe
Survived war: no


CVWM ID: No CVWM ID in our database, but try this.
CWGC ID: 136538
LAC ID: 342879
Attestation record(s): image 1, image 2
Service file: B2321-S032
Uploader's Notes:

Son of Andrew and Clara Davison, of 1817, 4th Avenue East, Vancouver, B.C. Son of Andrew and Clara Davison, of 1817, 4th Avenue East, Vancouver, B.C.

Original overseas unit 5th University Company. Joined the P.P.C.L.I. in the field February 4, 1917. Wounded at Passchendaele and died the next day.

Uploader's Research notes: [Private Army Canadian Infantry 6th University Company Private Army Canadian Infantry 5th University Company Private Army Canadian Infantry Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry ]


Date added: 2004-09-04
Last modified: 2020-02-19